Nick Quijano [ Sci55ors ] is the guitarist for the rock band Powerman 5000 (T-Boy Records, Universal Records)
Since Nick's inception into PM5K in 2012, they have already completed massive festival and headlining tours in China, Canada, Europe and the USA.
PM5K released a full length album "Builders of The Future" May 27th 2014 on T-Boy Records which features songs written and performed by Nick and Spider One.
Nick has graciously secured endorsements with ESP Guitars, Line 6, Engl Amplifiers, Peavey Amplifiers, Intune Guitar Picks, Big Bends, 7hirteen Clothing, and Everly Strings.
Nick has toured with other popular rock groups in the past such as: American Head Charge (tours in Europe and USA), The Dreaming (Chris Hall from Stabbing Westward) (multiple USA tours), and Rikets (multiple USA tours).